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The Lucy Parsons Project

About This Web Site

About Lucy Parsons

Writings By Lucy Parsons


Haymarket Affair




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Lucy Parsons
in the Media:

Chicago park will be named for Lucy Parsons despite police opposition - Chicago Tribune
May 13, 2004

Park Plan Upsets Chicago Cops - Associated Press/Chicago Tribune

Plan to Name a Chicago Park after Lucy Parsons 
Draws Fire - Chicago-Sun Times

Lucy Ella Gonzales Parsons
American Revolutionary: circa 1853-1942

Welcome to the Lucy Parsons Project. Lucy Parsons was an African, Native and Mexican-American revolutionary anarchist labor activist from the late nineteenth and 20th century America. Emerging out of the Chicago Haymarket affair of 1886, in which eight anarchists were imprisoned or hung for their beliefs, Lucy Parsons led tens of thousands of workers into the streets in mass protests across the country. Defying both racial and gender discrimination, she was at the forefront of movements for social justice her entire life. She sparked rebellion and discontent among poor and exploited workers wherever she spoke, and her fiery, powerful orations invoked fear in authority nationwide.

This web site is a tribute to Lucy Parsons, her work, and the causes she championed. May she continue to serve as an inspiration in the ongoing struggle for peace, justice, freedom and democracy.


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